Wednesday, March 28, 2012

8 months old: Clap Clap Clap

Yeap! Eliana is 8 months today! Time is surely passing us very quickly. And I know, it's cliche, but wow, babies do grow up fast! She has been on a roll with some pretty nice milestones. I honestly don't know if learning to clap is considered part of those "developmental milestones" or not, but one day soon after she turned 7 months, just out of nowhere she started to clap...and good thing, since then she hasn't stopped. Now, she claps for just about anything. She is nursing...she is clapping...she is clapping even in her sleep! That's my super multi-tasker girl!! She even claps when she is MAD...!!

And then for sometime she was really trying hard to get up from while she is rolled on her stomach. I have wondered what she was trying to do. She would basically grunt, and then lift her whole body up while head is still on bed flat...and she would try to move her feet...towards where, I don't know. Basically, it seemed like a downward dog position, only with her head still flat on bed. But then couple of weeks ago, she was finally able to actually lift her head up and bent her knee!!Yawzaaa! It seemed like she is really trying to get into full blown crawl position. I give her an A for effort, cause that's all she can do so far as far as actual crawling is concerned.

No teeth yet. However, poor thing seems to be at its (teething) pick right now. She basically wants to bite everything that's in sight. Luckily, her putting everything in mouth phase lasted only for few weeks back sometime. So, now, when she put things in mouth, it's not because she is back in that phase, but because she wants to bite things really badly! I feel bad for not bringing Sophie, the teether with us! :( But good thing is, I got Under the Nile's Carrot and she has been munching on that carrot vigorously! Other than that, teething so far (fingers crossed) hasn't caused us major drama yet! And of course, she has been wearing Amber teething necklace for a while now, and I am very much inclined to believe it has been a major contributor in keeping the teething process still sane! And she looks extra darn cute in this necklace!Always a plus, right?

This month Eliana also got to meet bunch of cousins for the first time, which was also a very good thing. And of course, it goes without saying how much she was adored! She also got to meet her year old cousin, and we celebrated his birthday together in Chittagong. And that brings to miss E's fourth city that she visited to date! yay! my little Globe trotter in the making!

And, now, off to eat that Tiramisu that we got for her 8 months bd-ay excuse ;) 

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