Wednesday, March 28, 2012

8 months old: Clap Clap Clap

Yeap! Eliana is 8 months today! Time is surely passing us very quickly. And I know, it's cliche, but wow, babies do grow up fast! She has been on a roll with some pretty nice milestones. I honestly don't know if learning to clap is considered part of those "developmental milestones" or not, but one day soon after she turned 7 months, just out of nowhere she started to clap...and good thing, since then she hasn't stopped. Now, she claps for just about anything. She is nursing...she is clapping...she is clapping even in her sleep! That's my super multi-tasker girl!! She even claps when she is MAD...!!

And then for sometime she was really trying hard to get up from while she is rolled on her stomach. I have wondered what she was trying to do. She would basically grunt, and then lift her whole body up while head is still on bed flat...and she would try to move her feet...towards where, I don't know. Basically, it seemed like a downward dog position, only with her head still flat on bed. But then couple of weeks ago, she was finally able to actually lift her head up and bent her knee!!Yawzaaa! It seemed like she is really trying to get into full blown crawl position. I give her an A for effort, cause that's all she can do so far as far as actual crawling is concerned.

No teeth yet. However, poor thing seems to be at its (teething) pick right now. She basically wants to bite everything that's in sight. Luckily, her putting everything in mouth phase lasted only for few weeks back sometime. So, now, when she put things in mouth, it's not because she is back in that phase, but because she wants to bite things really badly! I feel bad for not bringing Sophie, the teether with us! :( But good thing is, I got Under the Nile's Carrot and she has been munching on that carrot vigorously! Other than that, teething so far (fingers crossed) hasn't caused us major drama yet! And of course, she has been wearing Amber teething necklace for a while now, and I am very much inclined to believe it has been a major contributor in keeping the teething process still sane! And she looks extra darn cute in this necklace!Always a plus, right?

This month Eliana also got to meet bunch of cousins for the first time, which was also a very good thing. And of course, it goes without saying how much she was adored! She also got to meet her year old cousin, and we celebrated his birthday together in Chittagong. And that brings to miss E's fourth city that she visited to date! yay! my little Globe trotter in the making!

And, now, off to eat that Tiramisu that we got for her 8 months bd-ay excuse ;) 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Military Museum :Bangladesh Independence Day Outing

Yesterday was Bangladesh's Independence day. And, for the first time in my life, I decided to celebrate it by well, dressing up in Flag color codes sari. That was all fine, but a tad bit ironic since now, I'm a US citizen! huh! LOL

These days, I think, everyone celebrates everything just to be able to use the excuse either for dressing up, eating out, taking pics, posting nonstop nonsenses on FB pages etc etc etc and very rarely, I think, people these days celebrate because well, they genuinely care about the actual "event" or "cause" and so on.

Unfortunately, I went on a outing yesterday using the excuse to wear Green and Red color combo sari and have Eliana wear the same color combo dress and take some pics. So sad, but true!

Funny thing was, after all that prep (like choosing the sari to wear weeks ago...deciding the spot we would go to) when we actually went to visit the Military Museum (something that I noticed ever since I arrived in this city, but never got a chance to go...and I think, yesterday was a good timing) we were done within 30 minutes! What! All that shindig for 30 minutes of outing? Sadly that was the case, as it was bit hot and all we did was walk toward the museum (there were some tanks and canons set up along the way) and came back up and took tons of pics. We didn't enter the museum since hubs didn't feel like it as he thought there won't be much to see, and it won't be worth to get into that crowd. And, of course, miss E was acting little careless (she hardly smiled as sun was right on her)....

Nonetheless, a good decision to go out since we didn't venture outside after coming back from our little family vacation, which was almost a week ago!!

p.s: It took me almost whole day to finish up this post. Why? Cause there were power outage at least 3 times while I was posting...and each time it goes out for 1 hour! in beyond at this moment sucks!

7 months old: Lucky Seven

So, now that miss E is seven months old, (okay, in reality, she is almost 8 months old- this is what happens when I don't journal sooner)...what did the lucky Seven bring for us?

Apparently, nothing much as I, for the life of me can't remember if anything extra-ordinary or special happened.
She has been visiting quite a few places in Dhaka though. So, that's good. She celebrated her first International mother language day going on a outing on a hot hot sunny day! And, as a result, was so miserable at the end! I also took her to "Chandrima uddan", and had a fun afternoon there. I hope to post some pics of that.

She has been trying to crawl now, but poor thing just couldn't manage yet! She was introduced to her first solid last month, a papaya, smashed on my fingertips, which was an epic failure and since then haven't really tried anything else just yet. Still on breast-milk, and doing very well!

Seriously, except for her outings with me to various places, I think, this month probably was very boring.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March Madness

Yeap! That's what I'm going through....pure madness! But but but in a good way. I haven't posted my March Photo A Day since what, day 3 or 4? whoa! Time does fly really fast!! OMG. Right after my last post, I went to live in a cave for about 5 nights...just kidding. Well, it certainly felt like I was in a cave, but actually I was at my inlaw's ;) hehehehehehe Then, came to my current residence and on a whirlwind decision went on a whirlwind trip, which was btw, AH-mazing! I It was Eli baby's first "family" trip. We went to a city South of Bangladesh, and spent good time with little miss E's older aunt (her dad's older sis) and her family.Couple of other family member's of miss Eli baby also joined us a day later and we all came back at the same time. Also, got to celebrate 1st birthday of her cousin (main purpose of that trip, actually)!

I have so many posts to write...I need to start journal about Eli baby's 7 months (the things that she did, her milestones from the day she turned 6 months till she was 7 months) before she turns 8 months, which is soon and, before I forget important details! Also, have to finish up my posts on pregnancy and get to the birth story, really, positively before I forget important ini mini tiny details!!! Will definitely write about the recent trip and last, but not least need to start posting March Photo A Day pics!! These all sounds fine and dandy, but I am also dealing with a "developing" country's major problem- power outage! There are semi planned (as in, we know there will be power outage everyday, just don't know what time this will happen and how many times within 24 hours period) power outages everyday....! Not fun! But that's my life in beyond........!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Photo A Day: Day 3 & 4

Day 3: Your neighborhood

On going constructed building in my current neighborhood

Day 4: Bedside

Well, my messy bedside, which is showcasing a water bottle, little miss E's pair of shoe, her pic, a pacifier that she stopped using 3 months ago etc etc etc

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March Photo A Day: Day 1 & 2

Day 1: Up

Up on the ceiling, a fan, fanning away with its all might

Day 2: Fruits

Strawberries still attached to its very root, my aunt's strawberry plant on her roof top

March Photo A Day: And I'm in!

Well, I did the February photo a day challenge and, I'm happy with it. So, now that March challenge is up, why not doing it again? I had fun doing the Feb one, though I must admit, I wasn't trying to be creative at all. At certain time I felt like I was taking pics just cause I committed myself to it and I'm posting on the blog to sort of for accountability!

However, I will not be posting pic everyday (I did this way for first few days until one day I felt like I had other stuffs to do than worry about posting pic). So, I'll be posting few pics at a time. Whenever I get to the computer with decent amount time on hand. Cause you know, I've a little miss to take care of!

So, without further  delay, I'm off to posting pics from Day 1 and 2...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dumiok Restaurant: Korean Food in Dhaka

So, on the 28th to celebrate my lil miss E's 7 months b-day we went to Dumiok Restaurant in Banani area. I went there for a very important "errand", but also had this in mind that I would visit this restaurant at the same shot. Sort of killing two birds with one stone kind of scenario. Banani area is not close to where I am staying currently. So, it's a no brainer to do these two things on a same outing all the way there.

My actual task, which was to change our return flight to New York was a major fail. I kind of knew it.That. It would happen. So, wasn't majorly disappointed there. Anyway, now, off to talk about food at the Dumiok.

Dumiok is a Korean restaurant. It seems like Dhaka, now has pretty significant Korean expats. This restaurant is adjacent to its bakery, of which products I tried few weeks ago. It was nothing earth shattering tasty, but pretty decent. And then I had the opportunity of trying their food the other day.

Menu is overwhelmingly Korean. I'm surprised nothing was Bengalized over there. And, while we were there however number of patrons we saw, were also overwhelmingly all Koreans. So, it's pretty authentic in that sense. I mean, I would think it was since Koreans were eating at a Korean restaurant! LOL I LOVE few Korean dishes, and among those is Bibimbap! I knew, I would try that. They had their usual flare of beef bar-b-q stuffs, octopus etc. We probably would have tried the beef bbq had we not had little miss E with us. She was quite a handful to deal with. Anyway, we had bibimbap, which was vegetarian (no meat) with an egg poached on top. So, we needed some meaty stuffs, and we ordered a dish called "chicken with garlic sauce", which didn't sound much Korean-y, but when we saw it, it did seem a bit different than the usual ones I would see in a Chinese restaurant. Food was good. I didn't care for the taste of chicken. Bibimba was mmmmmm!!!! And then came the bill, with two bibimbap dishes, one chicken dish, two sprites the total came about 2400something BDT, approximately $30.00. hmmmm...can't say it was expensive, but considering we were in Dhaka, can't say it was cheap either. But we had to try. I'm glad I did. At least if for nothing else, I can recommend it to someone who likes Korean food!

And here are the pics!

Assorted vege appetizers that come beforehand, which includes Kimchee...


 Chicken dish
And bibimbap after mixing it all together..mmmmm