Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Farmhouse in the City of New York!

Who knew there was a farm house right in the City? I did! I did! Well, although nothing in Manhattan can remind you about the glorious rural past of this place anymore, certainly there is one house that can do so in Inwood, upper North Manhattan. I have been passing by this house that is quite unique looking almost all the time since last 5 or 6 years. However, I completely neglected to pay any attention to it. As far as I knew, it was the house of the Dyckman, after whom the street has been named. Nothing more. I mean yea, if a street is named after someone, and it was that some one's house, then I guess, that someone must have been someone special! But to  what extent Dyckman was special...I did not know, and didn't care to know. Well...until sometime ago recently. I finally payed attention one day and saw the sign that said, Dyckman Farmhouse Museum! It actually even has opening hours! WHAT! I don't think I've seen anyone queuing up to get in to check this museum out ever, but that doesn't matter. A museum is a museum is a museum.
And it's special!

Actually, Dyckman farmhouse is the only farmhouse that remained in its original building place since 1784!
And, it is a "National Historical Landmark" since 1967! I mean, they mean to tell me that this house has the same importance as umm...Empire State Building, American Stock Exchange, Brooklyn Bridge..etc etc! Then what a great find right in the neighborhood!
I am ashamed to say that I have yet to pay an actual visit to this museum to check out the interior, all I have been exposed to is the exterior! Also, guess what? According to the Farmhouse Museum's website, the admission price is only $1 USD, and free for children under 10! Oh, also it actually has a garden, which is apparently free!
So what am I waiting for? I must go one day when I go out to do grocery!
In the meantime, enjoy the lovely exterior views of the Dayckman Farmhouse captured by me on my camera







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