Monday, February 20, 2012

First Trimester

I'm going to be FINALLY writing the birth story of my baby girl. And before I begin telling the labor and birth story, it's important to say how the pregnancy went. This will be long  as I'm going to be putting things in writing in as much details as possible and as much as I can remember. It's been a while ;) First of all, I was the happiest person in the world when I found out I was pregnant. Those who are close to me know that it was a long time coming. Just didn't come till November of 2010! I found out day after Thanksgiving day, though I wanted to test on Thanksgiving, but due to hosting a Thanksgiving dinner in Dhaka (where it was a bit of a challenge to come up with an "authentic" TX dinner almost at the last moment) I felt exhausted that night (hint..hint) and just thought of taking the test day after. But the night of TX dinner as I was sitting on a bed, and suddenly got up to get food, I got this amazingly horrible muscle spasm like pain on my right side ovary. It was so damn weird, and I thought huh, may be I didn't ovulate when I thought I did, so that means  it's a good thing I'm not gonna test today.

But something made me test the next day. I was doing the 30 day shred by Gillian Michael's video, and while doing some crunches or whatever it was I felt  awkward pain right in the middle of my stomach. So, I thought better test it out and then I can continue with this. I asked H to bring a test and he did. True to my request he brought ONE damn test.  So, got the test and it was duh! + two lines, not crystal clear, but the second line was there. I immediately took a pic and sent to my sis and couple of friends to tell me if they see what I see...of course, they saw what I SAW!! This was my very FIRST positive pregnancy test!

Needless to say, I spent that night ( I tested early evening) tossing and turning in bed and cursing H for bringing just ONE pregnancy test. Who does that???

Next morning asked him to get another test, and this time not to follow my order and bring "few"...which he did for the next few days. He kept bringing tests after tests and I had the most pleasure peeing on those and seeing those magical lines!  This was my second test, took around 10 in the morning, not with FMU, after breakfast... and a funny thing was right when I was going to bathroom I puked. whoa! Well, it was more than crystal clear

And strangely that weird muscle spasm type pain kept increasing. It was way too much painful to turn sides when I slept. And that "muscle spasm like pain" stayed with me for a long long time, which later I came to know were known as Round ligament pain. That was my uterus stretching for the first time in its life! And you know, what else was hurting me? My tailbone! I didn't know so many areas of that neighborhood can hurt this much when one gets pregnant! I swear no one told me this before! It was rather difficult to sit for longer than few minutes.

And then came the horribly morning sickness. If I have to describe the utterly horrible 7 weeks of hellish morning sickness in one word, I would describe that period simply as "DARK." I spent most of my days in bed, unable to move because oh, I was so damn hungry, but couldn't eat anything. And whatever the heck I ate, would come down next moment and it was well, painful. When I got pregnant I was heaviest I'd been in my life! That's all I will say for now. During first trimester as for food I didn't crave anything.

Interestingly, I never craved one single item of food throughout my pregnancy. The only thing I could tolerate to eat was A for an Apple during first trimester! Nothing else would stay in. My father,and my husband had bought so many apples that time I lost count. If it wasn't for that Apple I think, I would have died from starvation. Oh, well, I could eat "polau" rice cooked in ghee...and other rich food, though those also would come out pronto, but I could at least put those inside.

At the end of my first trimester, just when I hit second I had to take a long ass flight from Dhaka to New York! So, this said flight is divided in two parts. One flight from Dhaka to Dubai, then a quick 2 hours transit in Dubai Airport and then 14 hours flight from Dubai to New York. By the way, did I mention my tailbone pain? I was really in horror just to think about that pain and sitting for such a long time in flight. Thank goodness for Miles Program!!!! I piled up pretty significant miles thanks to my previous 3 trips to Bangladesh. And why I always had a feeling that I would redeem those miles when it's going to be very important...such as let's say if I get pregnant and want to fly Business class? Of course, I upgraded my flight from Dubai to New York to Business class, but couldn't get the upgrade from Dhaka to Dubai segment. And that was fine. It was ONLY 5 hours. I could deal with it. Or, so I thought.

It was SO SO SO painful to sit on that seat for 5 hours. My back, particularly tailbone was hurting like crazy. And all I could think was how thankful I was that I got that much needed upgrade for the next leg of flight! I couldn't imagine with back pain like that sitting for 14 hours. Pure horror. Next flight was as expected, very smooth. I was laying down on that cozy flat bed all the way from Dubai to New York! And really, if there are empty seats in  Business class and somehow crew know there is a pregnant woman (whether it's visible or not) they should just offer that to her for kindness's sake!

1 comment:

  1. So interesting reading about how you found out. Makes me think back to when I was going through it. And you know what, I got evening sickness....awful nausea from 3-4pm till I went to bed.
